Student Involvement in Decision Making

(Minnesota State Policy 2.3)

Part 1. General Provision. To promote appropriate levels of student involvement in system, college, and university decision-making and to assure that student perspectives are considered, students shall have the opportunity for representation on system, college, and university committees involving or affecting student interests and shall have the opportunity to review or be consulted on issues that have significant impact on students.

Part 2. Student involvement in system committees, conferences and issue forums.

Subpart A. Students shall be given the opportunity for representation on system committees, conferences and issue forums that are a part of the policy development and/or decision-making process.

Subpart B. Selection of student committee members or student representatives.

At the system level, the student member(s) shall be selected by the statewide student association(s).

At the state college or university level, student members shall be selected by the recognized campus student association(s).

Part 3. Exceptions. This policy shall not apply to the following:

  • Committees established for the evaluation of personnel.
  • Committees established under collective bargaining agreements.
  • Management teams, presidential cabinets, and committees of the Board of Trustees.
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