P-017 Classified Employee Training and Development Program

Code: P-017
Date: April 1998
Approved: Doug Sweetland

Southwest Minnesota State University

Policy and Procedure

Classified Training and Development Program

Southwest Minnesota State University recognizes that the State of Minnesota, MnSCU, and the University and its employees mutually benefit from employee training and development programs. In an effort to fulfill training and development needs the following program is outlined.

  1. Participation in training activities may be initiated in one of the following categories:
    1. Assigned Training - Training that is organizationally required.
    2. Non-Assigned Training - Training that is organizationally approved or permitted but not required.
    3. Personal Interest - Upon approval of the supervisor, employees may pursue personal interest course work or training activities which may not be job related.
  2. Reimbursement
    1. Assigned Training - The employee’s department will be responsible for payment of training and expenses.
    2. Non-Assigned Training - Employees may receive release time and/or tuition or instruction fees based on the perceived value of training to the agency or state. The scale of reimbursement will range from a maximum of 100% to a minimum of 0%.
    3. Personal Interest - Employees may receive release time and/or tuition or instruction fees. The scale of reimbursement will range from a maximum of 100% to a minimum of 0%. If release time is not granted, the supervisor may revise work schedule or vacation leave may be approved.
  3. General Guidelines    
    1. Southwest Minnesota State University Credit Courses - Employees receiving a grade of incomplete or in process under this program may not enroll in another approved course until that course is completed. Reimbursement will be made upon completion with a passing grade of credit course. Employees receiving a non-passing grade for approved training will not be reimbursed.
    2. For non-credit training activities, completion of training will be verified by submitting a copy of Certificate of Participation and receipt of payment.
    3. Employees terminating employment at Southwest Minnesota State University while enrolled in an approved training course will be required to reimburse the University for any fees incurred.
    4. Final approval of all training requests rests with the President or designee.
    5. The University reserves the right to establish maximum personnel quotas for this program. All payments are contingent on availability of funds.
    6. The attached Training Request form should be completed and submitted to the Human Resource Office for requests of training reimbursement. A copy of this form will be placed in employee’s personnel file.

Classified Training Funds Reimbursement Procedure

  1. Training Reimbursement Request forms are available from the Office of Human Resources.
  2. The form must be completed and submitted to the Human Resource office according to the following timelines:
    Application Deadline Training During Period
    June 15 July - Dec
    September 15 October -January
    December 15 February - June
    April 15 May - June
    Retroactive requests will not be considered unless there are no other requests.
  3. A committee composed of members of the Classified Training Committee will review the requests and make recommendations to the Director of Human Resources.
  4. Expenditure of these funds will be determined by criteria of payment for tuition/registration fees. Secondary Criteria will be payment for other possible expenses involved in the training activity. Applicants receiving no other financial aid will have priority.
  5. Training requests will be considered, based on the following priorities:
    1. Non-Assigned Training - to enhance present job related skills and competencies
    2. Non-Assigned Training - to provide support to promotional growth
    3. Non-Assigned Training - to provide support of career development goals
  6. Upon approval of training funds by the Director of Human Resources, employee will be notified by the Human Resource Office within two weeks of deadline.
  7. Reimbursement for fees will be processed as receipt of payment and documentation of completion of training is submitted to Human Resources Office.
Note: While every effort is made to ensure accuracy, SMSU reserves the right to correct any clerical errors herein. Also, you can submit feedback.