A-054.1 AE Procedure 4 2015
Code: A-054.1
Date: April 20, 2015
Approved: Connie J. Gores
Southwest Minnesota State University
Adult Education Professional Development
Faculty Application
Internal Faculty Application Process
- The applicant who does not have Associate or Full Graduate Faculty status will submit an application for AE Associate Graduate or Graduate Faculty Status, a Less than Major Curriculum form and a course syllabus to the Sponsoring Department no later than the end of second week of the regular semester prior to the semester the proposed course will be offered. A faculty member who has Associate or Full Graduate Faculty status will submit only the Less than Major Curriculum form and syllabus.
- The sponsoring department must review and officially approve the applicant’s materials, the Less Than Major Curriculum form and syllabus and forward those materials with the Signed Adult Education (AE) Faculty Approval Form and/or the Signed Adult Education (AE) Graduate Faculty Forms to the Chair of the Graduate Council at least eight weeks prior to the date the proposed course will be offered.
- The Chair of the Graduate Council will forward the Less than Major Curriculum form and syllabus to the Graduate Curriculum Committee for review and recommendation.
- The Graduate Council will review and make a recommendation for AE Graduate Faculty status.
- All review materials and recommendations are submitted to the appropriate Dean for final approval.
- Submit the appropriate Revenue Generating Worksheet from Business Services. The Revenue Generating Worksheet for Graduate Courses is for courses that are offered for credit, but not counting toward a degree. The alternate Worksheet is for courses or workshops that do not offer any undergraduate or graduate credit. The forms are used to determine minimum student enrollments and a ‘go or no go’ date for the course.
External Faculty Application Process
- External faculty must be sponsored by a department at SMSU.
- The applicant will submit a letter of application, a resume or vitae, credentials, an Adult Education (AE) Adjunct Faculty Approval Form, a Less Than Major Curriculum form and the proposed syllabus to the Sponsoring Department no later than the end of second week of the regular semester prior to the semester the proposed course will be offered.
- The sponsoring department must review and officially approve the applicant’s materials, credentials and syllabus, and forward those materials with the Signed Adult Education (AE) and the signed Less Than Major Curriculum form To the Chair of the Graduate Council.
- The Graduate Council will review and make a recommendation for AE Graduate Faculty status. The Chair of the Graduate Council will forward the syllabus and Less Than Major Curriculum form to the Graduate Curriculum Committee for review and recommendation.
- All review materials and recommendations are submitted to the appropriate Dean for final approval.
External Adjunct Faculty Associate Graduate Faculty Retention and Time Limits
- External Adjunct Faculty may retain Associate AE Graduate Faculty Status for two years with satisfactory summative evaluations. (See number 2 following)
- Each time a course is offered by an adjunct faculty that faculty member must submit a summative evaluation of the last course offered to the sponsoring department for review.
- A letter explaining the summative evaluation process and providing campus contacts will be sent to approve applicants.
- The sponsoring department will submit an updated Continuing External Adjunct Approval form to the Chair of the Graduate Council each time it is recommended that the same course is offered by the external adjunct faculty member.
Additional Course Requests for the External Adjunct
- Each time a new course is requested to be offered by the external adjunct, the
- Sponsoring Department will review the syllabus and submit the AE Adjunct Faculty Approval Form, a Less than Major Curriculum form and the syllabus to the Chair of the Graduate Council at least eight weeks prior to requested date of offering the course.
- The approved forms will be submitted to the Graduate Council and to Graduate Curriculum Committee for review and recommendation as described above.
- Final recommendation will be made by the appropriate Dean.