A-001.2 Process for Curriculum Approval Proposals of Less Than Major Significance

Code: A-001.2
Date: January 31, 1980
Approved: Jon Wefald
Revised: October 11, 2001
Approved: David C. Danahar
Revised: December 3, 2003
Approved: David C. Danahar
Revised: May 6, 2009
Approved: David C. Danahar
Revised: April 28, 2014
Approved: Connie J. Gores
Date Effective: August 1, 2014

Southwest Minnesota State University


Process for Curriculum Approval
Proposals of Less Than Major Significance

  1. Classification and initiation of proposals of less than major significance.
    1. Proposals classified as being of less than major significance shall include the following:
      1. Changes involving single courses that alter catalog listings.
        1. Initiation of new courses
        2. Elimination of existing courses1
        3. Changes in course or program number
        4. Changes in course title
        5. Changes in course description
        6. Changes in credit hours1
        7. Changes in prerequisites1
      2. Changes involving other offerings.
        1. Approval of experimental courses to be counted toward graduation including “topics” or workshop courses. A topics course may normally be offered twice. If a course will be offered on a regular basis, it should be given a course number and entered into the master course list.
        2. Approval of credit courses offered through continuing or distance education programs.
      3. Additions or deletions to elective lists for majors and minors. If the proposed change involves a course housed in a department other than the sponsoring department, both the affected and sponsoring departments must sign the proposal form.
    2. Initiation of proposals of less than major significance may originate with individual faculty, programs, departments, Faculty Association, students, administrators, or other academic units.
    3. Proposals normally must be approved by an academic department before coming to the Curriculum Committee. However, exceptional cases may be brought to the Committee by the SmSUFA President. These include but are not limited to: All communication shall be through the proposal sponsor or the chairperson(s) of the sponsoring department(s) or academic unit(s).
      1. Proposals concerning courses designated as IDST (Interdisciplinary Studies) or LEP (Liberal Education Program).
      2. Proposals concerning a new program that will not be housed in an existing department. 
        All communication shall be through the proposal sponsor or the chairperson(s) of the sponsoring department(s) or academic unit(s).
    4. All proposals shall be sent simultaneously to the Faculty Association Curriculum Committee and the Office of Academic Affairs by the chairperson(s) of the sponsoring departments(s) or academic unit(s).
  2. Actions on curricular proposals of less than major significance.
    1. Actions to be taken by the proposal sponsor(s).
      1. The sponsor(s) will develop the proposal using the appropriate forms available from the Curriculum Committee. It is suggested that the sponsor(s) seek input from the chair or other members of the Curriculum Committee as to the proper forms for their proposal.
      2. The sponsor(s) shall consult with all programs affected by the proposal prior to submitting the proposal.
      3. The sponsor(s) will secure all signatures necessary for the proposal.
      4. The sponsor(s) will determine, from the published meeting dates, the deadlines for proposal submission. Proposals should be submitted at least one week prior to the meeting at which they are to be considered.
      5. Before the submission deadline, the sponsor(s) will submit one hard copy of the proposal, including all necessary signatures and forms, and one PDF copy of the complete proposal to the chair of the Curriculum Committee. Simultaneously, the sponsor(s) will submit one hard copy to the Office of Academic Affairs.
      6. If the proposal is approved by the Curriculum Committee and the Administration, it is the responsibility of the sponsoring department(s) to develop and provide catalog copy, advisement, and communication with professional schools in their respective pre-professional area.
    2. Actions to be taken by the Faculty Association.
      1.  In general.
        1.  Within 14 days of its formation in the fall semester, the Curriculum Committee will meet and set a schedule of meeting times and submission deadlines for the semester. The committee shall do the same within 14 days of the beginning of the spring semester. These schedules will be publicized to the university community.
      2. In regard to a specific proposal.
        1. The Curriculum Committee will consider the proposal at its next scheduled meeting time provided the deadline for submission of proposals for that meeting has not passed. If the Curriculum Committee fails to act on proposals that have been properly submitted within the deadlines, then the Office of Academic Affairs may declare the proposal accepted.
        2. Prior to the meeting in which the proposal is to be considered, the Curriculum Committee chair shall review the proposal to ascertain whether all affected entities have been contacted by the sponsor(s) and that the appropriate signatures have been secured. The Office of Academic Affairs shall check the proposal for consistent and logical course numbering and check for any duplication of numbers or names in the master course file.
        3. The Curriculum Committee shall either return the proposal to the sponsor(s) with suggested revisions or shall approve the proposal.
        4. The Curriculum Committee shall communicate its action to the proposal sponsor(s).
        5. If the proposal is approved, the Curriculum Committee chair shall forward the proposal to the Office of Academic Affairs.
        6. If the Curriculum Committee chair has not received notification of acceptance or non-acceptance of the proposal from the Office of Academic Affairs within 14 days of the date forwarded, the Curriculum committee chair shall inquire about the delay.
        7. If the Curriculum Committee chair has not received adequate response within 14 days of a delay inquiry, the proposal shall be considered accepted.
    3. Actions to be taken by the administration.
      1. Upon receipt of the proposal from its sponsor(s), the Office of Academic Affairs shall review the proposal and communicate any concerns to the proposal sponsor(s) and the chair of the Curriculum Committee.
      2. Upon receipt of the proposal that has been approved by the Curriculum Committee, the Office of Academic Affairs shall review proposals within 14 days (If a proposal is for a graduate/undergraduate dual listed course or program, the timeline begins after both proposals are received.) and notify the proposal sponsor(s) and the chair of the Curriculum Committee that it has accepted or rejected the proposal. Rejected proposals may be brought to a Meet & Confer for discussion. If a proposal is rejected, the Office of Academic Affairs shall supply a detailed explanation of the reasons for the rejection.
      3. Upon receipt of a delay notification (II.B.2.f.) from the Curriculum Committee, the Office of Academic Affairs shall notify the proposal sponsor(s) and the chair of the Curriculum Committee within 14 days as to the reasons for the delay. Failure to respond within that time shall constitute acceptance of the proposal.
      4. Upon acceptance of a proposal, the Office of Academic Affairs shall, if necessary, direct the Office of Registration to make the appropriate changes in the Master Course File.
  3. Implementation
    1. Proposals shall be considered approved upon signature of the Provost or his/her designee(s). The effective date of the proposal shall be included on the proposal form.
    2. All approved changes shall be recorded in the Master Course File. All approved changes shall be recorded in such a manner as to insure incorporation into subsequent catalogs. All approved proposals shall be reported to the sponsor and the Curriculum Committee.
    3. Changes classified under I.A.2. shall be considered temporary and are not subject to inclusion in the official Catalog.
    4. Changes of Less than Major significance will normally take effect the academic year following their approval.

If the affected course is an LEP/MTC course or is required for a major or minor, this would require a proposal of Major Significance.

See also:
A-001 Curriculum Approval
A-001.1 Curriculum Approval – Proposals of Major Significance

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