P-010 Filling Classified Vacancies

Code: P-010
Date: February 13, 1980
Approved: Jon Wefald
Revised: January 20, 2003
Approved: David C. Danahar

Southwest Minnesota State University


Filling Classified Vacancies

  1. All classified vacancies will be filled by procedures that are consistent with the rules and regulations established by the Minnesota Department of Employee Relations.
  2. Notification to classified personnel of vacant positions and open examinations will be the following:
    1. Posted in work locations as stipulated in Agreements reached between the State of Minnesota and recognized collective bargaining unit(s).
    2. Posted on employee bulletin boards located in the University Human Resources Office.
  3. The position will be filled as stipulated by the appropriate bargaining union agreement.
  4. The filling of new classified and vacated continuing classified positions shall be consistent with the goals of the Affirmative Action program.
  5. Any of the above statements will be null and void for members of a particular bargaining unit when the statements are inconsistent with agreements reached between the State of Minnesota and recognized collective bargaining units.
Note: While every effort is made to ensure accuracy, SMSU reserves the right to correct any clerical errors herein. Also, you can submit feedback.